Website Resource Links

Website Resource Links

Here are some links to other websites with great information.


Marriage & Relationship SkillsTraining in Jacksonville, Florida

Live The Life – Hope Weekends are designed to help couples rebuild intimacy and trust, and to teach couples essential relationship skills for developing, maintaining, and sustaining a deeply bonded and connected relationship. These skills and tools are in the form of a tangible item that couples can take home with them to promote regulated communication, so that they can communicate rationally and therefore bond more intimately. 75% of people in troubled marriages agree to stay committed after attending this intensive weekend.

Connect US 4 Life – (dba Marriage for Life, Inc.) is a not-for-profit organization based in Jacksonville, Florida which was developed to help decrease divorce and family disintegration in the Greater Jacksonville area. We accomplish this through offering educational classes, relationship skills training, marriage coaching, and weekend intensives for distressed marriages. We reach out to youth, singles, engaged couples and married couples and seek to address the relationship issues that each face.


Other Relationship Links – a coalition campaign of the Florida Family Policy Council – a website that brings together over 100 relationship experts and features videos by each expert. Dr. Rick Marks, PhD and Lori Gordon, PhD, Bill Doherty, PhD, just to name a few. – A “Focus on the Family” website focused on recovering the heart of sexuality.

Divorce Busting – the work of Michele Weiner-Davis (nationally recognized Marriage and Family Therapist) and her website for saving marriages.

Weekend to Remember – Family LIfe’s Weekend to Remember events

WinShape Retreats – a retreat center located in Rome, Georgia

Rick Brown – a well knows Relationship Therapist located near Orlando, Florida

The Marriage Retreat – located in Destin, Florida and offers a seven consecutive day program to help marriages in crisis. – a site dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. – The website of Dr. David Kyle Foster and Mastering Life Ministries has a variety of resources available for a multitude of topics. – The website of Steve and Kathy Gallagher – “…committed to bringing hope, healing, and restoration found only in Christ to those who have been touched by the leprosy of sexual sin.” – Focus On The Family website – Dr. James Dobson – a good educational resource with articles and tip sheets for married couples. – a resource for couples dating, engaged, or married. A website of the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center. – website of The Coalition for Marriage, Family, and Couple Education. – The official website of The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. – The official website of FireProof and the Love Dare (movie, book, and study material)

National Institute of Marriage – Marriage 911, First Response is a program to help people struggling in their marriage. It is a Christ centered, 12 week program. – located in Modesto, California and affiliated with The International Center for Reconciling God’s Way, Inc. (ICRGW) which is a faith based, non-profit organization that provides help and hope for marriages in crisis.

Center for Relational Care – located in Austin, Texas and offers Marriage Intensive sessions




Website Resource Links for Strengthening Marriages and Healing from Sexual Sins
Article Name
Website Resource Links for Strengthening Marriages and Healing from Sexual Sins
A list of websites that offer articles, videos, and other resources for strengthening marriages and healing from sexual sins.