Save A Marriage

 Donate to Save A Marriage in our community!

We are seeking donations in order to help send couples to a Hope Weekend marriage intensive.

Please pray about helping send a couple to a Hope Weekend in order to help save their marriage that is in crisis and headed for divorce!

A Hope Weekend registration currently costs $950.00 per couple.

Make your tax deductible donation here!      (please select JACKSONVILLE as the region you would like to support and please make a note in the comments section as follows: “This donation is to be earmarked and designated specifically to a couple that FindYourUS has recommended”)


Many couples live “week to week” and do not have anywhere near this amount of “extra income” to pay for a Hope Weekend even though they want to attend so desperately. It breaks our hearts to know that a couple could have Hope in their marriage, and really wants to put forth the required time and effort, but just cannot afford to. Hope Weekends are highly successful in helping prevent divorce and the impact that divorce has for generations to come.

Will you join us in the fight against divorce and contribute any amount that you can, no matter how small the amount. Even the smallest of contributions will add up, in no time at all, to help fund a couple in crisis and give them much needed Hope that a Hope Weekend can offer.

Thank you for considering this opportunity and we hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting the fight against divorce. We believe in “SAVE A MARRIAGE, SAVE A GENERATION”

Thank you for joining the fight against divorce and broken families.

We are very grateful for your contribution and thank you for helping a couple learn what it means to Find Your US!


Make your tax deductible donation here!      (please select JACKSONVILLE as the region you would like to support and please make a note in the comments section as follows: “This donation is to be earmarked and designated specifically to a couple that FindYourUS has recommended”)